Sunday 2 September 2012

Thriller comparison

Thrillers gain their title by giving the audience a "thrill" which is not common in any other genre of movies. Thrillers are very popular because they create suspense and tension very easily, this makes the audience become more captivated into what happens next. Another reason why thrillers are popular is due to the sense of achievement when watching them, most people would be happy with themselves if they can watch shutter island without jumping or being scared. You wouldn't get that sense of achievement if you just watched Happy feet.

The three films I watched over the holidays were, Seven, Leon and Inception.


The premise of the film is extraction or stealing of dreams, this happens when the mind is particularly vulnerable.

It is a clever story and surreal as well, as you know this could never happen in reality. It is not only the stealing of dreams but lucrative secrets too.

The film has you engulfed in the action as there are components of violence, emotion, espionage and risk.  This captivates the audience and all in all it is a good thriller.

The characters of Inception are Leonardo Di Caprio who plays Cobb, he is the extraction supremo who is accused of murdering his wife on their anniversary.  The government don't believe his is innocent.

Mal is his wife in the film, she couldn't differentiate between reality and dreams.


This film is a thriller that is about a serial killer that uses the seven deadly sins to kill7. WHat makes this thriller unique is the audience might catch onto the plot early into the film after 2 or 3 murders, this will cause the audience to anticipate how the next sin gets portrayed. This will also captivate the audience. In comparison to Inception, gluttony is represented as a good thing, as Cobb steals dreams and sells them to make money. But in Se7en gluttony considered a crime. Se7en is more of a tradition thriller as it consists of a criminal act, followed by detectives.

Brad Pitt plays a young cocky detective, David Mills , that comes from a small town called Springfield he is the oposite of Morgan Freeman's character William Sommerset. Who is just about to retire and escape the urban city.


Leon is about a hitman who one day comes across a 12 year old girl who is seeking refuge (Mathilda). Leon gets persuaded into helping the young girl into becoming a hitman, in order to avenge her younger brothers death, as he was the only family member she loved. Mathilda in exchange teaches Leon how to read or write.
This film is a thriller due to the young girl is witness to the crimes Leon commits, this makes her decided to follow is Leon's profession, as a hitman. Which is very unusual for a young girl. In comparison to inception, both main characters are wanted by the police. Also comparing Leon to se7en the murderer was always a mystery, whereas Leon the hitman was the main character, which may be deemed uncharacteristic as a hitman.


  1. Good start Toby
    Some good examples of the use of film vocabulary and you have identified some key characteristics of the genre. Well done


  2. High level 3
    great films examples and let you know what a thriller is well done
